A present from the Holy Father: YOUCAT for Kids
World Meeting of Families
DUBLIN – The World Meeting of Families is a major international event that brings families from across the world together to celebrate, pray and reflect upon the central importance of marriage and the family as the cornerstone of our lives, of society and of the Church. There is therefore probably no better event to present the new catechism for children and parents to the world. The new book aims to transfer the faith of the Church into a simplified language that is child friendly and fun. Children are curious and they are not afraid to ask questions, they enjoy asking over and over again. This is also highlighted in the book: 159 questions, translated into the imagery and phantasy of a child deal with the most essential questions of faith. But it is not only the texts that make the faith tangible; the illustrations and cartoons that draw the children into a journey of discovery of faith are unique. Lily and Bob are the two lovely characters in the book with whom the children can explore the wide world of faith. At the World Meeting of Families in Dublin, the YOUCAT for Kids is given by Pope Francis to the present families as a gift.

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