Salutations personnelles de Jerônimo Lauricio


Dear friend, Bernhard Meuser! In YOUCAT (nº 59) there is a beautiful teaching that says: “GRATITUDE is love recognized!” It was in gratitude that God built his dwelling and invited us to live with Him. That's what Thanksgiving is: raising a grateful memory to God and inclining a grateful heart towards others! Therefore, Gratitude, to the Jesus Christ, the true Life, because in everything that is visible to our eyes and especially for what happens behind the scenes in our lives, His love anticipated us with His Surprises! We all certainly have some small or big reason to recognize this! And today you are certainly a big reason why. So, thank you very much, my friend and brother in Christ. I say without fear of making mistakes that your life is one of the most beautiful gifts that Christ has entrusted to the Catholic Church throughout the world in recent decades. Your life somehow reflects a great teaching of the Catechism: “Periods of renewal in the Church are also strong times for Catechesis.” (CIC, n. 08). I know you haven't had peaceful days in Germany. But know that the seed of YOUCAT - and all the other books in this collection - that you started to cultivate there in 2005 -, will never be forgotten, on the side of the road, on the stones or choked by thorns. On the contrary, through the pure Mercy of God, this seed fell into the soil of my heart. I am not the best person to witness how many fruits we have harvested from your arduous sowing, but as they are so numerous and tasty, only in heaven we will understand everything. Thank you for your yes to Christ and the Church. Thank you for one day looking at me with hope of trust and encouraging me to continue dreaming God's dreams! Thank you for never allowing us to give up on carrying out God's will for Campus Fidei here in Brazil. I will say to heaven that we are the fruits of YOUCAT. As a mission, we are from the YOUCAT Foundation, like an older daughter… As a mission, we are from this Work of God, like a younger brother. We wouldn't keep walking and we wouldn't find each other if it weren't that day when you found me spending 3 months in Germany in 2014. Since then, I haven't been the same... I leave here, not only in my name, but in the name of almost 70 young people and missionary couples from Campus Fidei, my mission brothers, our thanks for so much and everything. May heaven bless you a hundredfold. May SJPII and St. Teresa of Calcutta, pray for you always! “Those who teach men will shine like the stars of heaven for all eternity” (Dn 12, 3). In Christ, Jerônimo Laurício

Jerônimo Lauricio
Campus Fidei (Brasil)

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