With the financial support of ACN (Aid to the Church in Need), a YOUCAT catechetical project has been implemented in Colombia.
YOUCAT breaks new ground
YOUCAT breaks new ground – also on the South American continent!
In the provinces of San Andres and Providencia in Colombia, a project based on the four YOUCAT publications was launched. “Unas Islas con el corazón de Jesús J o v e n”, is the name of the initiative. The project was carried out in each of the parishes of the Vicariate in a meeting of the clergy, headed by Monsignor Jaime Uriel and shared with the priests, religious and deacons. In conclusion, about 26 young people from different parishes were summoned and trained as youth leaders in the management and use of the YOUCAT material. In each parish, a team was formed with the goal of working with the YOUCAT material as effectively as possible and at different levels, thus introducing people to the central themes of faith. Whether in the family pastoral, youth or children’s work, YOUCAT is in high demand!
With the help of the YOUCAT books, a remarkable contribution could be made to the pastoral plan of the local diocese. Moreover, new impulses for the love of Christ and His Church were awakened among the parishioners.
Thanks to YOUCAT, new friendships can be formed and new experiences can be gained. In conclusion, YOUCAT is a wonderful way to win people from different backgrounds for the Kingdom of God!

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