All personal greetings

Thank you very much dear Bernhard for the wonderful gift of Youcat. God bless you always.

Jackson Dias

24. January 2024

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Gottes Segen und Gesundheit für die Zukunft

Norbert Maria Genius

Sant’Egidio Duisburg

24. January 2024

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Dear Mr Mauser, Thank you so much for creating the YOUCAT. I’m a user of YOUCAT daily app from Hong Kong. YOUCAT reminds me the bonding wi...

Vicky Wong

24. January 2024

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Félicitations a vous et vote équipe, et tout les traducteurs pour ce beau travail. Merci infiniment que Dieu vous bénisse.

Christian Nadeau Desnoyers

24. January 2024

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Lieber Herr Meuser, Danke! Ihre Initiativen, Publikationen und Impulse verschiedenster Art machen Mut im Glauben und leuchten immer wied...

Jürgen Eberle

23. January 2024

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Here's a picture of my duck sitting in my mum's chair ???? You won't get another like it! Thank you for all your work!! God bless you.

Theodora KFM Cutler

23. January 2024

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Dear Bernard, Looking at the whole array of Youcat books one cannot but be grateful for your love and courage in starting this project as ...

Philipp Ozores

ACN International - Kirche in Not

23. January 2024

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Thank you, Sir, for this wonderful YOUCAT series of Catholic faith publications. They are so beautiful and wonderful. I love them all. They a...

Shirley Chong

23. January 2024

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Mi buen amado. Gracias por cuánto has aportado. Por la vida, en los pequeños detalles. En el día a día. Gracias. Un abrazo fuerte y cálido de...

Luís Guadarrama

Su salud naturalmente.

23. January 2024

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Muchas gracias por la aplicación, me ha ayudado muchísimo!, es de mis herramientas personales qué más uso y me ayuda en mi oración

André Casillas

23. January 2024

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Gracias Bernhard por haber recibido a Dios, por ayudar a tantos jóvenes y adaptar la catequesis para todos


23. January 2024

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Lieber Bernhard, Vielen Dank für Deine Arbeit am YOUCAT, der ein wichtiger Schritt hin zu meiner Erwachsenenfirmung war. Alles Gute und Got...

Lukas F

23. January 2024

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Nos conocimos en la JMJ de Panamá. Gracias por tu testimonio y alegría. Disfruta tu descanso.

José Luis

23. January 2024

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Que lindo trabalho para toda Igreja, formando, desde a base, às crianças e jovens para a fé. Queremos mais!


23. January 2024

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Olá amigo Bernhard! Obrigada por tanta dedicação e por permitir a livre ação do Espírito Santo em seu trabalho! Fraterno abraço, Rosa...

Rosana Maris Palmieri

Maped do Brasil

23. January 2024

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Dear Bernhard, many thanks for all the good you have done with the Youcat books. You were able to feel and recognize the moment we live in as...


VERBUM Croatia

23. January 2024

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Caro Bernard, moro na Tradição protestante. O trabalho no Youcat tem me ajudado profundamente a pensar a fé, as bases de como agir e a coope...

Vinnicius Pereira de Almeida

23. January 2024

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Querido Bernhard, obrigada por devotar tanto tempo e tanto esforço para propagar a palavra de Deus e seus ensinamentos catequéticos de uma ma...

Ana Luíza Maia

23. January 2024

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