Cumprimentos pessoais de Ana
Obrigada por tornar nossos estudos e aprofundamentos sobre a nossa fé tão acessíveis. Que a sua jornada continue sendo cheia de fé e bençãos! ????????????
Outros cumprimentos

Ich kenne kaum Menschen, die Weisheit und Demut, Schreibkunst und Ideenreichtum so zusammenbringen wie Du, lieber Bernhard. Am Meisten schätze…
YOUCAT Love Team
18. Janeiro 2024
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Thank you Bernhard for being so courageous and helping so many young people like me. I cannot forget the YOUCAT ice-cream story and this photo…
18. Janeiro 2024
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Several associations immediately spring to mind when I think of Bernhard Meuser: Passionate about the Church; a big heart for Christ; the man...
Bistum Passau, Germany
18. Janeiro 2024
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