Cumprimentos pessoais de Fr. Joseph Fessio, S.J.
Hello, Bernhard. I have many fond memories. I think we met in Torun, Poland, or at least it was because of a comparison I made there between good German beer/European theologians and bad American beer/American theologians. That led you to ask Ignatius Press to be your US Youcat partner. What a great blessing for us and for the Church. I hope you're well and able to enjoy a more peaceful life. But I doubt you'll be inactive. Blessings upon you, Bernhard. And thank you for all you've done for us. Pax et Bonum!
Outros cumprimentos

Dear Bernhard, I met you in awe for the first time in Aschau on Lake Chiemsee in 2021. THE great YOUCAT author. Wow ... I was delighted and…
YOUCAT International CEO
18. Janeiro 2024
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Lieber Bernhard, Eigentlich ist es unvorstellbar, dass du bei Youcat aufhörst. Der Youcat bist du!!! Ohne Dich wäre kein einziges Projekt ...
22. Janeiro 2024
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What comes after Bernhard Meuser? It's hard to imagine YOUCAT without him, because nobody shaped the YOUCAT Foundation as much as he did. Since…
YOUCAT International Director
18. Janeiro 2024
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