Cumprimentos pessoais de Philipp Ozores

Dear Bernard, Looking at the whole array of Youcat books one cannot but be grateful for your love and courage in starting this project as well as knowledge, stamina and genius in making it happen. Through it, millions have been inspired and strengthened on their way towards God. Two Popes have recognised this by contributing prefaces to your books as well as presenting them to the public. It is an honour and a calling for ACN to care for that gift to humanity, to keep developing it and to make it available to the world. We hope the Youcat to the preferred tool for generations to come around the world to deepen their faith! We wish a very blessed retirement and hope to receive your inspiring ideas also in the future! With my warmest regards Philipp Ozores Secretary General ACN
Outros cumprimentos

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YOUCAT Illustrator
18. Janeiro 2024
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What comes after Bernhard Meuser? It's hard to imagine YOUCAT without him, because nobody shaped the YOUCAT Foundation as much as he did. Since…
YOUCAT International Director
18. Janeiro 2024
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Lieber Bernhard, Eigentlich ist es unvorstellbar, dass du bei Youcat aufhörst. Der Youcat bist du!!! Ohne Dich wäre kein einziges Projekt ...
22. Janeiro 2024
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