Saludos personales de Lucy Cockin
Thank you so much for all you have done for young people in the Church. Your work has invigorated and breathed new life into this vital ministry. Your work is so evidently Spirit-led. The accessible materials helped bring me, a lapsed Catholic, fully back into the Church's arms.
Otros saludos

Ich kenne kaum Menschen, die Weisheit und Demut, Schreibkunst und Ideenreichtum so zusammenbringen wie Du, lieber Bernhard. Am Meisten schätze…
YOUCAT Love Team
18. enero 2024
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What comes after Bernhard Meuser? It's hard to imagine YOUCAT without him, because nobody shaped the YOUCAT Foundation as much as he did. Since…
YOUCAT International Director
18. enero 2024
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Thank you Bernhard for being so courageous and helping so many young people like me. I cannot forget the YOUCAT ice-cream story and this photo…
18. enero 2024
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