Personal greetings from Sergio T. Ubach

Dear Bernhard, thank you for all your dedication, effort and patience with all of us, as a translator and catechist, I really enjoyed your online presentations and your enthusiasm, it was, to say the least, contagious. God bless you on your journey, I hope to hear from you, no matter where you are.

Sergio T. Ubach

Other Greetings

Lieber Bernhard, mit dem vergangenen Jahr geht eine mehr als eine Dekade währende, unglaublich schöne Zusammenarbeit zu Ende. Unser kreativer…

Alexander Lengerke

YOUCAT Illustrator

18. January 2024

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A clever, creative thinker, educated theologian, networker, passionate fisher of men and – likely more important than ever today – a "courageous"…

Martin Rothweiler

Programmdirektor EWTN.TV

18. January 2024

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Thank you Bernhard for being so courageous and helping so many young people like me. I cannot forget the YOUCAT ice-cream story and this photo…

Maria Francis


18. January 2024

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