Cumprimentos pessoais de Jesús Andrés

Quisiera felicitarlo, por tan loable trabajo... Gracias por esta evangelización digital en el campo juvenil... En estos medios modernos... De verdad, Gloria y Honra a nuestro Señor Jesucristo a quien le has servido con todo la Mente y el Corazón.
Outros cumprimentos

Several associations immediately spring to mind when I think of Bernhard Meuser: Passionate about the Church; a big heart for Christ; the man...
Bistum Passau, Germany
18. Janeiro 2024
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Ich kenne kaum Menschen, die Weisheit und Demut, Schreibkunst und Ideenreichtum so zusammenbringen wie Du, lieber Bernhard. Am Meisten schätze…
YOUCAT Love Team
18. Janeiro 2024
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Thank you Bernhard for your dedication to adapt the catechesis content to different books that have helped and still help millions of young…
YOUCAT Love Team
18. Janeiro 2024
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