Cumprimentos pessoais de Marisol

Thank you very much for your Answer to God's plan!


Outros cumprimentos

Thank you Bernhard for your dedication to adapt the catechesis content to different books that have helped and still help millions of young…

Veronica Katz

YOUCAT Love Team

18. Janeiro 2024

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A clever, creative thinker, educated theologian, networker, passionate fisher of men and – likely more important than ever today – a "courageous"…

Martin Rothweiler

Programmdirektor EWTN.TV

18. Janeiro 2024

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Dear Bernhard, I met you in awe for the first time in Aschau on Lake Chiemsee in 2021. THE great YOUCAT author. Wow ... I was delighted and…

Guido Gröning

YOUCAT International CEO

18. Janeiro 2024

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