Persönlicher Gruß von Manisha Sharon Thompson

Greetings from Hyderabad, India. You don't know me sir but I know you very well. I've been part of Youcat for more than two years and that's the best thing that has happened to me. Youcat has given me a strong foundation for my catholic faith and I couldn't ask for anything more. Thank you for everything you do and praying for your future endeavours.

Manisha Sharon Thompson

Weitere Grüße

Ich kenne kaum Menschen, die Weisheit und Demut, Schreibkunst und Ideenreichtum so zusammenbringen wie Du, lieber Bernhard. Am Meisten schätze…

Katharina Hauser

YOUCAT Love Team

18. Januar 2024


Thank you Bernhard for being so courageous and helping so many young people like me. I cannot forget the YOUCAT ice-cream story and this photo…

Maria Francis


18. Januar 2024


Dear Bernhard, I met you in awe for the first time in Aschau on Lake Chiemsee in 2021. THE great YOUCAT author. Wow ... I was delighted and…

Guido Gröning

YOUCAT International CEO

18. Januar 2024
