Saludos personales de Claudia
Muchas gracias por buscar una forma de difundir la palabra de Dios y permitimos llevarla en el móvil. Que la Santísima Trinidad siga guiando tu camino e ilumine siempre tu corazón.
Otros saludos

Several associations immediately spring to mind when I think of Bernhard Meuser: Passionate about the Church; a big heart for Christ; the man...
Bistum Passau, Germany
18. enero 2024
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Dear Bernhard, I met you in awe for the first time in Aschau on Lake Chiemsee in 2021. THE great YOUCAT author. Wow ... I was delighted and…
YOUCAT International CEO
18. enero 2024
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What comes after Bernhard Meuser? It's hard to imagine YOUCAT without him, because nobody shaped the YOUCAT Foundation as much as he did. Since…
YOUCAT International Director
18. enero 2024
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