Saludos personales de Michal Zwiewka

Dear Bernhard, Youcat is a wonderful project that contributed as a puzzle piece to the catholic education of our children in secular Germany. Thank you so much!

Michal Zwiewka

Otros saludos

Several associations immediately spring to mind when I think of Bernhard Meuser: Passionate about the Church; a big heart for Christ; the man...

Bischof Dr. Stefan Oster SDB

Bistum Passau, Germany

18. enero 2024

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Thank you Bernhard for being so courageous and helping so many young people like me. I cannot forget the YOUCAT ice-cream story and this photo…

Maria Francis


18. enero 2024

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A clever, creative thinker, educated theologian, networker, passionate fisher of men and – likely more important than ever today – a "courageous"…

Martin Rothweiler

Programmdirektor EWTN.TV

18. enero 2024

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